Solemates – November 2017 Goodie Giveaway #3


Product: Solemates are heel protectors for high-heeled shoes. Left uncovered, heels will sink into grass or quickly become damaged because of bricks, cobblestones, grates or decks.

Packaging: We were lucky enough to get 3 products – the original Solemates in 3 sizes, Blister Blocker, and a Wedding Rescue Kit which contains 17 nice items to have around for emergencies. Bonus: they all came together in a nice soft drawstring bag, perfect for carrying your favorite heels to the wedding!

Our reaction: I’ve had Solemates before so know it’s a quality product. Nice to have the variety pack of sizes. Haven’t tried the blister blocker anti-friction balm but anything helps when breaking in shoes. Love the Wedding Rescue Kit. It appears there is a clear zipper pouch inside the cardboard package with all the goodies. Nice!

Cost: $24.99, $15.00 and $24.00 respectively.

SacBride Approved: We like these for anyone braving the elements in their lovely heels.

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